360°, Mount Elbrus, Russia. 8K aerial video

Don’t forget that this is 360° video: you can change the angle of view. With this video clip we start our 360° video series of one of the highest peak of Russia, mount Elbrus. The twin-peak mountain (5,642-meter and 5,621-meter summits) can also be considered the highest peak in Europe as it is still rather uncertain where the border between Europe and Asia lies exactly. New video of Elbrus: If you enjoyed this video please like, share, comment, favorite, subscribe: We regularly publish new 360° videos of the most beautiful places on our planet! 360° photos and videos, stories of our shootings, articles and FAQ you can find on our website: Nowadays you need extraordinary computer power for watching 8K 360° videos. If you have troubles with watching such videos, choose 4K or HD quality in the settings of your YouTube player. We hope that YouTube will find a solution for optimization this videoformat
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