American Football - Stay Home (2020 Reprise) [OFFICIAL LIVE VIDEO]

We decided to a) celebrate staying home by b) staying home and c) re-recording “Stay Home.” All tracks were single takes, spliced together through the magic of technology: Mike recorded audio and video first in Chicago, accentuating heartfelt lyrics with speed metal attire. Holmes recorded next out in the ‘burbs, throwing in a tempo flutter for the sake of live-band authenticity. Lamos went third out in Colorado, sporting the tiniest of hats while squinting often. Cory—or, at least Cory’s hands and torso—went next, out in Queens. Flanked by a carpet deodorizing machine, Nate completed the cycle somewhere in Lincoln, Nebraska. A lot of people (us included) have a natural tendency to stay home. And now, strangely, that’s the responsible way to be. We hope at the very least that our homemade and tech-lite video will serve as a distraction from anxiety-inducing news coverage and stress about the future. And at best, maybe it will remind you that your antisocial tendencies are justified. You’ve been making the rig
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