проф. Дмитрий Ермолович | Логика перевода на английский язык | COSINES Pi II | Москва, МГУ, 2018
Логика перевода на английский язык (лекция профессора Д,И.Ермоловича на COSINES Pi II, Moscow University 2018)
Чтобы успешно переводить на иностранный язык, нужно понимать глубинную логическую конструкцию текста. Д.И. Ермолович раскроет принципы логического подхода, на которых построен его учебник «Русско-английский перевод», пояснит их практическое значение. Понимание этих принципов поможет переводчикам делать меньше ошибок, а преподавателям перевода — эффективнее обучать переводу студентов. В заключение лекции — информация под рубрикой «Новости английского языка».
COSINES PI is the major event for all conference interpreters in the Russian booth. It attracted top professionals ranging from personal interpreters of the Russian and USSR Presidents (Mikhail Gorbachev, Boris Yeltsin and Vladimir Putin) to the gurus of oral interpreting in various industries. Never ever in the new times in Russia there was such concentration of the service folks that saw the faces and heard the voices of the decision makers of the world from the times of the cold war to the new era or super computers, Google, iPhone and Tesla. This is going to be a thrilling event indeed for the students of the top University in Russia. More than 600 contestants have been registered already competing with each other through a special web application developed for the cause (). “… it will cast the torch light on the outstanding talents in our profession and become the new center of gravity in Russia” writes Professor Marklen Konurbaev, the founder of COSINE PI. For more information please visit
We are proud and honoured to present here the Public Lecture of Professor Dmitry Ermolovich - a recognized master of diplomatic interpretation, an outstanding scholar, commentator and a partisan of the profession. The lecture was delivered at Moscow State University on September 29, 2018.
Copyright note: This video is the property of the lecturer and COSINES Pi and is protected by the laws of the Russian Federation and international copyright laws. The selection, arrangement, and reproduction of this video fully or in parts is permitted exclusively through the permission of the copywright holders. Write to: hello@
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