Go to Japan and Cook with Kimono Mom Family

My friends from the U.S. came to our house! Kenzie loves cooking and was planning to take a cooking class when she came to Japan. So I opened the cooking class for them! We went shopping at a local supermarket together and made Gyoza dumplings from scratch. I shared a recipe that I came up with using only ingredients that are also available in the US so that they can recreate it at home. I look forward to cooking at their house next time we visit the U.S.! Thank you for coming, Harris and Kenzie! Check out their page! Harris Heller - @harrisheller Kenzie Nimmo - Our upcoming world tours: 🇹🇭Thailand, 🇲🇾Malaysia, 🇸🇬Singapore in May! 🇺🇸NY in June ( hopefully, LA!) 🇭🇰Hong Kong in August! 🇩🇪Germany in October ( hopefully, a tour of Europe!) We are looking for Accommodation, Local m
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