Variety Club Luncheon - Reel 1 & Reel 2 (1952)

Empress Club, London. (REEL 2) Four girls wrapped in cellophane bags enter the room, Laurel and Hardy unwrap them, MS. Laurel and Hardy unwrapping the girls. MS. Girls giving presents to guests. CU. Girl giving presents to Laurel. Laurel making face and passing present on to Hardy CU. Hardy smiling at his present. LS. Coco the Clown addressing the guests and giving present to unknown . Coco the Clown giving present to C.J. Latta MS. Laurel and Hardy receiving the applause of members. CU. Hardy. MS. Andrews and Mills arguing with each other. CU. Mills speaking. LS. Mills sitting down after making speech. LS. Charlie Chester s addressing guests. CU. Chester speaking. LS. Chester addressing the guests. LS. Eamonn Andrews introducing the final guest. a chimpanzee - who is brought into the room. MS. The Chimpanzee with Mills, eating at the table. GV. Guests applauding the chimpanzee. MS. Andrews speaking to Laurel and Hardy. (Comb. Orig. Neg.) (Note. Sound very bad - US) (REEL 1) MS. Group, Ch
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