ВСЕГО 1 минута и Вы Почувствуете ЭНЕРГИЮ (ВНИМАНИЕ! Очень СИЛЬНО) Устрани НЕГАТИВ Внутри и Вокруг

Healing vibrations of singing bowls have been used for a long time in sound therapy, sound massage, various relaxation practices, including in this video program. The sound of singing bowls is a wonderful music for meditation, massage, music for the body and soul, which affects every cell of the body and affects the subtle body, working with our energy. This is music for immersion into the subconscious, contributing to deep relaxation of the body and mind, stress relief and cessation of internal dialogue. And the runic formula “Energy Recovery“ will fill you with new strength! Try it and after the first minute of listening you will fully feel the powerful energy of the singing bowls! The first full listening will be able to completely harmonize your subconscious. And after 9 days of listening, you will be able to completely eliminate negative energy - inside and around you! Just try it and you will enjoy deep relaxation, positive vibrations and Zen energy! The
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