Live: Tamara Lorincz on NATO, military’s impacts on the environment, Ukraine

Tamara Lorincz is a PhD candidate in Global Governance at the Balsillie School for International Affairs (Wilfrid Laurier University). Tamara graduated with an MA in International Politics & Security Studies from the University of Bradford in the United Kingdom in 2015. She was awarded the Rotary International World Peace Fellowship and was a senior researcher for the International Peace Bureau in Switzerland. Tamara is a member of the Canadian Pugwash Group, the Canadian Voice of Women for Peace and the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom. Timeline: 8:42 - US Military is ...the largest consumer of fossil fuels on the planet 16:40 - The Cost of War Project - 32:41 - NATO’s Air Defender 2023 vs. Russias Okhotsk Seas drills & Russia/China Northern/Interaction-2023 39:50 - Vilnius Summit Communiqué: 46:25 - Madeleine Albright: “The price [half a million children have died] is worth it“ - ~furrg/pol/wtc/ 53:30 - International Summit for Peace in Ukraine (Vienna) - 1:06:25 - Canada in Eastern Europe: Forward Presence Battle Group in Latvia 1:07:20 - Operation UNIFIER in Ukraine (2015) - 1:10:30 - Ivan Katchanovski: Website: Twitter: @TamaraLorincz Source: Tamara Lorincz, Varna Institute for Peace Research (VIPR), . Membership: Facebook: Telegram: Newsletter: Twitter: @VPeaceInstitute () Instagram: Varna Peace Research (@varnapeaceinstitute) Website: Twitter: @JosefMuehlbauer () Facebook: Instagram: Videoproduction: Petar Jekow Moderation: Josef Muehlbauer Intro Music: Elena Mühlbauer Lizence: CC-by-nc-sa Reading suggestions: Zur imperialen Lebensweise (2022): Konflikt Magazine: Queeranarchismus Die gerechte Weltordnung Plebejische Demokratie Kollektivität jenseits vom Staat Basisdemokratischer Widerstand Rechtspopulismus als Krisenbearbeitung Wie demokratisch ist die EU? Reale Utopien. Zur sozial-ökologischen Transformation und der solidarischen Lebensweise Russland unter Putins Kapitalismus: Umkämpfte Ressourcen und Demokratie im postsowjetischen Raum: Ukraine between the EU and Russia. Geopolitics and mechanisms of external influence behind European and Russian integration projects: Die Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik der EU: Phänomenologie aus der Perspektive der Critical Race Studies und Queer Theorie: Die Krise der Demokratie und die radikaldemokratische Antwort: Eine Neue Weltwirtschaftsordnung. Zur Einhegung und den Widersprüchen der imperialen Lebensweise: HOW CAN YOU HELP? Donate: If you don’t find the time to help us you can still support our ideas and projects by donating the Peace-Institute. The balance sheet of the institute will be published and all revenue and expenditure are always publicly accessable. The VIPR Institute is a non-profit organization in which individual employees do not seek private profit. The entire profit and proceeds from the donations and advertising will be invested in the research work and the future of the institute. Bank Name: Bank Austria UniCredit Country: Austria/ Vienna Аccount Holder/Owner: Josef Muehlbauer IBAN: AT72 1200 0513 0100 0559 BIC: BKAUATWW Purpose: Varna Peace Donation Paypal:
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