“Sugar“ Gets The Bird (1951)

Item title reads - “Sugar“ gets the bird. Boxing Board says “No Decision“ in match between “Sugar“ Ray Robinson and Gerhard Hecht. Berlin, Germany. M/S crowd, pan on to two boxers fighting. M/S both boxers sparring with Robinson ducking and weaving. Hecht throws rights and lefts which Robinson avoids by going backwards. C/U black man in audience getting excited. M/S Robinson sparring for opening. Robinson throws tentative lefts. Robinson sails into Hecht with fast left hand punches and Robinson connects with left to jaw. Hecht holds and forces Robinson against ropes by weight. The referee parts them. Hecht lands right but Robinson fights back with some fast lefts which force Hecht against ropes. A right from Robinson on Hecht’s kidneys forces Hecht onto canvas. Referee counts then stops. M/S Hecht lying on canvas, seconds clamber into ring. M/S Hecht carried to corner by seconds. C/U spectators getting angry. L/S Robinson having drink in corner. C/U Robinson’s wife Edna Mae watching. M/S Robin
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