Risk of Rain 2: Seekers of the Storm - Launch Trailer

Purchase Seekers of the Storm here: An ancient threat awakens on Petrichor V. Master new Survivors, wield new items, and battle across uncharted regions. Ascend the levels of the Colossus in a race to confront The False Son. Defeat him and unlock the true power of his Soul! Seekers of the Storm includes: - 3 New Survivors - 8 Items 1 Special Boss Item - 5 Stages 3 Additional Stage Variants - 3 Bulwark’s Ambry Variants - 3 Monsters - 2 Elite Types - 15 Survivor Alt Skins - 2 Interactables Follow Gearbox on Social Media! Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: Twitch: Website: Ge...arbox Store:
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