SYMPULS-E - “Monolith of The Soul“ [Full Band Playthrough]
A quiet night detonated over the city
And life fades in the windows
Photons of light break through the path that disappears
A deceitful glint flashed in the eyes of passers-by
This city is covered with severe veil
So when will this madness end?
The nerves are cut with savage groans
The shroud hangs above the eyes
Cries of the Heart will turn into faint stars
And silence will remain forever on the face
Now you can’t wake up under the cloud
Mind soared over the abyss of soul
Infinity flashes and your own beacon puts out its dim light
I paved a route to the stars
And rushed with the speed of light
I erected the eternal monolith
Devouring all the dark
The way to heaven is closed for our souls
And they’ll be buried under the ground
But the stars will live forever
While the haze is covering us
Internal pain cuts my flesh
Scatters me with the earthly ashes