Execution of Ernst Kaltenbrunner fanatical Hitler loyalists who was wheeled into the Court

Execution of Ernst Kaltenbrunner Nazi SS Leader anti-Semitic and fanatical Hitler loyalist Ernst Kaltenbrunner was a high-ranking Nazi Germany Austrian Leader and  SS officer. a major perpetrator of the Holocaust. he established nazi concentration camps in Austria. after the assassination of reinhard Heydrich, He was appointed the Chief of the Reich Security Main Office (RSHA), which included the offices of Gestapo, Kripo and SD, from January 1943 until the end of World War II in Europe. he A committed anti-Semite and fanatical Hitler loyalist. Kaltenbrunner oversaw a period in which the genocide of Jews intensified. He was the highest-ranking member of the SS to face trial at the first Nuremberg trials, where he was found guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity. Kaltenbrunner was convicted and sentenced to death. He was executed by hanging in October 1946. ww2, world war 2, Nazi Germany, Nazi final solution, Nazi jews execution, Nazi execution, Nuremberg trial, jewish Holocaust, Amol Quest, T
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