Top Hamas commanders ’killed by Israeli airstrikes’, Netanyahu vows ’this is just beginning’

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday threatened to hit Gaza militant groups “like they’ve never dreamed possible,“ shortly after Israel said it killed 16 members of the Hamas military wing in an air strike on Gaza. A senior Hamas commander has been killed by an Israeli airstrike. Bassem Issa is the most senior member of the group to have been killed since 2014. Israel’s Shin Bet security service said the brigade commander for Gaza City was among senior members of the Islamist militant group Hamas who had been killed. At the same time, Palestinian militants rained rockets into Israel as global concern mounted over their most intense hostilities in years. “This is just the beginning. We’ll hit them like they’ve never dreamed possible,“ Netanyahu said during a visit to an Israeli hospital. Soon after the announcement, a new rocket barrage was fired at the Israeli city of Ashdod and Israeli media said the military was preparing for new salvoes on the Tel Aviv area. Hamas confirmed the com
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