Hrdza - Pod božími oknami / Under God’s Windows

A live show by Hrdza and the dancing group CreDance at the Closing Ceremony of the Longines FEI World Endurance Championships 2016 held in Šamorín, Slovakia. Hrdza na záverečnom ceremoniáli majstrovstiev sveta vo vytrvalostnom jazdení Longines FEI 2016 v Šamoríne. The song is sung in the Slovak and Polish languages. Pod božími oknami / Under God’s Windows Music/Lyrics by Slavomír Gibarti Up go the sheep, up from the valley Time to kindle a fire for my pipe Up go the sheep, up from the valley Time to play a tune on my fife Shop for our CDs: #obchod Listen to the full studio album: Follow Hrdza on: Website: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: #hrdza #podbozimioknami #22
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