Качели | The Swing | Animated Short Film

История о том, как бабушка и ворона, которая не умела летать, обрели крылья. A story that tells how an old woman and a crow that couldn`t fly, both acquired wings. 08′42″ / Russia / 2009 Режиссер: Елена Куркова Продюсер: Школа-студия «ШАР» Автор сценария: Елена Куркова Художник-постановщик: Елена Куркова Композитор: Сергей Багин Director: Elena Kurkova Producer: School-Studio SHAR Writer: Elena Kurkova Production designer: Elena Kurkova Music: Sergey Bagin Awards: Diploma «For the best design solution», Festival of Students and Debut Films «St. Anna» (Russia, 2010) «The Best Experimental Film» Prize, Moscow Short Film Festival (Russia, 2009) Festivals: Giffoni International Film Festival (Italy, 2011) Tricky Women Film Festival (Austria, 2011) Basauri-Bizkaia International Animated Film Festival «AnimaBasauri – AnimaBasqu» (Spain, 2011) Cairo International Cinema and Art Festival for Children (Egypt, 2010) Hiroshim
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