Tangerine Dream - You’re Always On Time

’You’re Always On Time’ is the single release taken from the new Tangerine Dream album ’Raum’. Out 25th February 2022 on Kscope/Eastgate Music. Available on Vinyl, CD, Digital: The music video to ’You’re Always On Time’ documents the field recordings and sample creation behind the album. It was shot on Kodak Super-8 film. The choice of shooting on film was also an homage to Edgar Froese’s Super-8 videos, filmed while being on tour and in the studio with Tangerine Dream. Music composed, produced and performed by Thorsten Quaeschning, Hoshiko Yamane, Paul Frick Video by Felix and Julian Moser Edit, Titles and Colors by Nani Gutiérrez Produced by Moserfilm for Eastgate Music & Arts On their new album ’Raum’, Tangerine Dream develop the concept of its precursor EP (Probe 6—8) further. Composed and produced with full access
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