Hannibal The Musical | Memory Palace (with lyrics)
Art by: @frozennose (instagram)
Lyrics by: Seahorse Trash
Sorry this one was a little late! I’ve been working on a final essay all day and time totally slipped by. I’m gonna be on my A-game on Thursday I swear lol
Anyway I hope you guys like this song because I love it. I remember being so proud of this songwriting and I still am tbh. And just a reminder that it’s ONLY ONE MORE SONG UNTIL MIZUMONO Y’ALL OMG I’M NOT READY!!!
I just wanna thank you all for supporting this project. It’s been a wild ride till this point, but you guys have made it worth it. Whether it be financial support or just helping spread the word, I wouldn’t have been able to do this without you, so thank you.
Here are some ways you can stay updated on everything that’s going on behind the scenes:
TikTok: @seahorsetrash
Instagram: @hannibalthemusical
If you’d like to help keep this thing running financially, I’m selling art prints in my Etsy store