Russia and Uganda FMs comment on grain deal

(18 May 2023) RESTRICTION SUMMARY: PLEASE NOTE: AP IS OPERATING IN RUSSIA ACCORDING TO RUSSIAN RESTRICTIONS ON ALL REPORTING RELATED TO THE ONGOING MILITARY OPERATION IN UKRAINE   AGENCY POOL Moscow - 18 May 2023 1. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Ugandan counterpart Jeje Odongo arriving at signing ceremony 2. SOUNDBITE (Russian) Sergey Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister: “Considering the whole complex of circumstances, taking into account the appeal of our partners, we supported the initiative of (Turkish) President Erdogan, which he announced yesterday, to extend this deal for another two months, but with a clear understanding that these two months will be decisive.“ 3. Lavrov and Odongo listening to question 4. SOUNDBITE (English) Jeje Odongo, Ugandan Foreign Minister: “Quite a number of African countries, particularly in the northern part of Africa, depend on grain, particularly for wheat and bread. We understand their plight.
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