Animation Accumulation presents Cats (2019) Trailer: Reanimated! Shots of the 2019 Cats film trailer were broken down to be reimagined by the talented artists of Animation Accumulation (a Discord server dedicated to bringing together animation students all over the country and world. If interested in joining get in contact with us on Instagram @animationaccumulation, or with Danielle Windram at daniellewindy@)
Artists as they appear:
00:00:00 - 00:06:21- Ben Meyer
00:06:21 - 00:10:00- Ella Cesari ( @drawnwithoutref )
00:12:17 - 00:16:18- Mac Rosenberg (@buffchicken)
00:16:18 - 00:20:12- Lov
...isa Andersson
00:23:01 - 00:27:17- Danielle Windram (@deedledraws)
00:27:17 - 00:30:04- Joahie (@jo_ahie)
00:30:04 - 00:32:18- (@koresart)
00:35:10 - 00:36:20- Jaren Tigani, Dani Birbal
00:36:20 - 00:39:16- Theo Babbitt (@)
00:39:16 - 00:43:11- Rhya Voskuil
00:43:11 - 00:45:20- Izzy Boyce-Blanchard
00:45:20 - 00:48:07- Lucy Geronime (@waffle_tallest)
00:48:07 -00:51:06- Brigid Slevin (@brigidslevin)Show more