The Nephilim | Gilgamesh and the Kandahar Giant Documentary 2024 - Paul Wallis

The Nephilim | Gilgamesh and the Kandahar Giant Documentary by Paul Wallis. This documentary will take you on a gripping journey from the biblical lands of Genesis to the rugged mountains of Afghanistan, exploring the enigmatic tales of giants across our ancient world. Discover the legend of the Giant of Kandahar, the epic of Gilgamesh, and unearthly encounters in Iraq, all while delving into the profound narratives of the Book of Enoch, cultural memory, mythology and biblical scriptures. The Kandahar Giant In 2002, a US Special Operations unit, the Army Green Berets, encountered a giant hominid in the Kandahar mountains of Afghanistan. The engagement with the giant left one of the unit dead. And the story of this engagement echoed through the rank and file of the allied forces.. Ancient Text The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterwards, when the bene Elohim went to the daughters of men and had children by them. These were the heroes of old men of renown. Now,
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