Cinema 4D Python Tutorial 15: Object Volume Calculator (Python Tag)

In this Cinema 4D Python tutorial, we use the Python tag to create an automatic Object Volume Calculator. It works with any of six objects and displays the resulting volume above the chosen object. When no object is selected, it also alerts us to this situation. My thanks go to the following people, all of whom have been kind enough to buy me a coffee: Matt, Cedric, Uriah, Willy, Vadim, Tim, Simone, Alain and David. Your generosity is greatly appreciated! If you wish to by me a coffee, you may do so here: 0:00 - Intro. 1:00 - Setting up the Scene Objects. 4:08 - Python: Initialisation. 9:01 - Python: The Cube’s Code. 14:55 - Python: Defining a Position Function for the Text. 16:15 - Python: The Cylinder’s Code. 20:00 - Python: The Sphere’s Code. 23:47 - Python: The Pyramid’s Code. 26:44 - Python: The Torus’ Code. 31:31 - Python: The Cone’s Code. 34:05 - Final Summation. 37:41 - Outro.
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