Why Europe is TERRIFIED of Putin, and they don’t know what to do | Redacted with Clayton Morris

Western leaders are gung ho to let their people suffer due to energy policies and Russian sanctions. Why are they lecturing us about ending abundance and preparing to be cold this winter for their own priorities? They say that they can be dependent of Russia but can they or are they just talking a big game but hiding that they are afraid of Putin? 💰 moomoo Open and Deposit to get up to 10 FREE stocks valued up to $20,000 ➡ and 🇦🇺 If you’re in Australia you can sign up right here: 🚨 We’re being censored, and it’s more important than ever to have a home away from these big tech oligarchs. That’s why we built Please come on over and sign up for FREE, so we always have a way to stay in touch. 🚨 ✅ Sign up for our Free DAILY newsletter delivered right to your inbox first thing in the morning. ➜ ㈙
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