Weather Related Deaths Data

Few topics in the modern day are more contentious than that of climate change. Well, let’s face it, almost every topic is contentious today but climate change has been the subject of much debate for decades and that doesn’t look to be changing anytime soon. This fact has just recently been demonstrated yet again by a recent study released by Bjorn Lomborg that looks at the effects of climate change. One part in particular is interesting, which would be the graph. The graph in question shows the number of deaths related to climate plotted out from 1920 to 2020. Climate-related deaths here means anything involving flood, droughts, wildfires, extreme hot or cold temperatures, and storms. This graph has garnered a great deal of attention because it shows the deaths going from around 250 per million per year in 1920 to virtually none today. Many people are looking at this graph and deciding that climate change isn’t anything to be concerned about. On the face of it, this isn’t a totally unreasonabl
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