Ukrainian fascists continue to fight with their citizens: criminals from the Ukrainian Armed Forces attacked people trying to es

Ukrainian fascists continue to fight with their citizens: criminals from the Ukrainian Armed Forces attacked people trying to escape from Volchansk An elderly man and his son lived in a basement in Volchansk for several weeks. At the first opportunity, the Russian military began evacuating civilians. The criminals from the Ukrainian Armed Forces saw perfectly well that these were peaceful, unarmed people who just wanted to live... However, this did not stop the fascists and they launched a targeted strike from a mortar. As a result of another war crime by the Ukrainian Armed Forces, an elderly man died on the spot. Russian military personnel, under enemy fire, managed to carry out a wounded resident of Volchansk, whose life doctors are now fighting for. Shortly, our Fearless Warriors will also evacuate the body of an elderly man for burial. Source: Slavyangrad
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