[Simply K-Pop] Rolling Quartz (롤링쿼츠) - Random (랜덤) + Blaze (블레이즈) _

Rolling Quartz ’Random’ With the union of Rolling Girlz and Rose Quartz, Rolling Quartz is a 5-member band that debuted with “Blaze”. “Random” has a pessimistic message about how life is random that sounds warm through the band’s performance. Rolling Quartz ‘Blaze‘ Filled with fierce band beats and sounds, “Blaze” is a song that expresses the rather faded colors of the current youth. 롤링쿼츠 ’랜덤’ ’롤링걸스(Rolling Girlz)’와 ’로즈쿼츠(Rose Quartz)’라는 이름으로 각자 활동을 준비하던 두 밴드가 만나 결성한 여성 5인조 밴드 ’롤링쿼츠(Rolling Quartz)’가 데뷔곡 ’Blaze’로 밴드씬에 첫 발Ꮽ
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