Skateboard trick tip video

Trick tips video I did for a class project back in highschool - Filmed/Edited/Voice over - by Brett Novak - Starring Eric Kopecky and Paul Ingram. To all the comments saying that Rodney Mullen didnt invent the ollie and that Alan Gelfand did: Alan Gelfand was the first to scoop his tail on vert, it was more of a really low 180 allowing him to get a little air. Rodney Mullen invented the Flatground Ollie in which you snap the tail to the ground and roll your ankle forward and so on. Rodney talks all about this in his autobiography and on the ON WINTER VIDEO there is a biography of Rodney in which pros like Hawk and Mike V. talk about it - you can find that here: (About 6 and a half minutes in).
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