chr() & ord() in Python - Using ASCII Values

Learn how to use the chr() and ord() functions in python to convert characters to and from their ASCII values. Each character on your keyboard is represented by a unique integer known as it’s ASCII value. 💻 AlgoExpert is the coding interview prep platform that I used to ace my Microsoft and Shopify interviews. Check it out and get a discount on the platform using the code “techwithtim“ 📚 Playlist: ◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️ 💰 Courses & Merch 💰 💻 The Fundamentals of Programming w/ Python: 👕 Merchandise: 🔗 Social Medias 🔗 📸 Instagram: 📱 Twitter: ⭐ Discord: 📝 LinkedIn: 🌎 Website: 📂 GitHub: h
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