Two RC helicopters lift a woman - Aviation Milestone & World Record (HeliGraphix HULC project)

World record and aviation milestone: The first ever remote-controlled human flight, achieved by two MODEL helis effortlessly lifting a grown-up person. Most people thought this was never possible. However, one more time it has been proven that with both a solid project planning and an in-depth understanding of helicopter technology even such complex stunts can be performed successfully. Models were two standard 700 size helis (rotor diameter m only!), all specs and details below. It took well over 4 months, many thousand euros of our private money (this is just our hobby), huge logistics and countless test flights to achieve this milestone. Now, before anyone feels called to speak disrespectfully about tech specs, safety, etc. please check out the additional info below. This project was not done out of a whim - it’s a solid team work! SUBSCRIBE NOW to NEVER MISS our MONTHLY cutting-edge heli stunts: 7 MORE HUMAN FLIGHTS inside development: EQUIPMENT of the helis: Lifting 30 kg (66 lbs) with a SINGLE heli: Check out our channel with tons of HIGH-QUALITY content (no waah-waah videos!): MEET and LIKE us on facebook and G - know what’s going on behind the scenes before everyone else! heligraphix And hey! We also got a Vimeo channel with well-encoded videos: You are a connoisseur? That’s greaaat!!! Because here’s the best ever playlist for you! Not satisfied yet?! You’ll just LOVE these additional videos at our website: Yours, Team HeliGraphix
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