Andromeda & Narcissa Black | Forget the Horror

watch in HD small screen for best video quality (english subtitles available) “Are you the master of your destiny Or a slave to your fear?“ was planning on uploading this project about one month in the the first version was over 6 minutes long and way too messy and chaotic. Now I can finally say thah I’m happy enough with the result to put it out there. Feels like a weight off my shoulders! I would really appreciate it if you’d check out my Twitter () I post regular updates on my editing on there. Besides that, please leave a like or comment or subscription; it really means the world ^^ (I skipped so much Uni for this lol) to the content: There definetly is a focus on Andromeda in this video which seemed unavoidable. I’d be happy to dive more into Narcissas life and the three sister dynamic in the future. But for now this is about Andromedas escape out of their strict pure blooded family and Narcissas bond to her that is slowly being destroyed by this act of betrayal... I like to think Narcissa never really hated her for it. As the youngest child she was cursed with two older sisters as different as day and night, and even tho Dromeda gave her the care and love that is usual for siblings, Narcissa never dared disobey Bellatrix or her parents. Up until the Second Wizarding War she remains silent in the back, with the only interest being the protection of her loved ones... a timid move for sure, but a very empathic one still. FANCAST: (in order of appearance) Keira Knightley as Andromeda Tonks (née Black) Charles Dance as Pollux Black Ben Barnes as Sirius Black Sarah Gadon as Narcissa Malfoy (née Black) Katie McGrath as Bellatrix Lestrange (née Black) James McAvoy as Ted Tonks Michelle Pfeiffer as Druella Black (née Rosier) Tom Hiddleston as Cygnus Black Tom Hughes as Tom Riddle Timothee Chalamet as Regulus Black Harry Lloyd as Kucius Malfoy Saoirse Ronan as young Narcissa Malfoy (née Black) #harrypotter #maraudersera #bellatrixlestrange #fanvidfeed edited by | me coloring | mine song | Spanish Sahara - Foals footage | Atonement, Game of Thrones, Edge of Love, Easy Virtue, Belle, Pride and Prejudice, Dracula Untold, Merlin, Harry Potter Franchise, Dark Shadows, The Girl King, The Essex Serpent, Crimson Peak, Becoming Jane, The Game, The King, Enemy, The Aftermath, A Dangerous Method, The Picture of Dorian Gray, Colette, The Imitation Game, Little Women, Anna Karenina, The Duchess, Locked In, Princess of Thieves and others program used | Adobe Premiere Elements 13 I own nothing but the editing
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