Do Multiverse Really exist where is Parallel Universe located?

The idea of a multiverse, where there are multiple universes existing alongside our own, has been a topic of scientific debate and popular imagination for decades. While there is no concrete evidence that a multiverse exists, there are several theoretical models that suggest the Multiverse Really exist Where is Parallel Universe located. One of the most well-known multiverse theories is the Many-Worlds Interpretation of quantum mechanics. This theory proposes that every possible outcome of a quantum event actually happens in a separate parallel universe. For example, if an electron can either spin up or spin down, both outcomes occur in separate universes. Another multiverse theory is the Bubble Universe Theory, which proposes that our universe is just one of many “bubbles“ that exist in a larger multiverse. In this model, each bubble universe has its own laws of physics and is completely isolated from other bubble universes. There are also theories that suggest t
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