Английский язык 10 класс (Урок№4 - Appearance.)

Английский язык 10 класс Урок№4 - Appearance. Appearance what is it? If we talk about different people, what is the first thing you start describing after telling someone’s name? For some people, the first thing is how tall the person is, so they ask about the height. Others wonder about the colour of the eyes. All in all, physical features of the person are called appearance. мы узнаем: новые лексические единицы по теме «Черты характера»; мы научимся: описывать характер человека; мы сможем: вести беседу, используя новые лексические единицы. Every person on this planet is unique, there are many things making us different, but one of the most important is the appearance. It’s almost impossible to find 2 absolutely identical people, although the vast majority of human beings have one head, one body, one nose, one mouth, one neck, two eyes, two ears, two arms and two legs. Today we will learn some new words that will help you to describe the appearance of people. Arms and legs, strong, growing fast, knit, twilight, plain, plump, limbs, decisive, sharp, fierce, thoughtful, slender, provide, useless, bloom, dark hair, green eyes, long legs, broad shoulders, wide eyes, baby face, sharp tongue.
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