American Presidents come and go but the policy never changes

“American Presidents come and go but the policy never changes. Because when a person is elected people in dark suits and briefcases show up and say that this is how things are done here” V. Putin An informative video of how the CIA has been waging war on Russia for a very long time. Zombifying the West through mass psychosis and mocking bird tactics to gain mass consent hatred against Russia. CIA PROJECT “UKRAINE“: The CIA has been planning to use Ukraine against Russia since the 1950s. Declassified documents from 1958-59 began to circulate on American social networks again - the CIA project “Aerodynamics“, the purpose of which was “to use Ukrainian nationalist tendencies for the purposes of political and psychological warfare.“ For the last 80 years, all U.S. support for Ukrainian BanderaFascists has had one goal: break up the USSR, later Russia, turn Ukraine into a huge NATO base aimed at Russia itself, and finally, shatter Russia into pieces and conquer them, enslaving the Russian people. Operation Aerodynamics: how the CIA looked for Ukrainians with anti-Soviet sentiments.
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