Frank Bruno vs Mike Tyson II March 16, 1996 720p 60FPS HD Showtime Video Sky Commentary

I uploaded this earlier today and it had the Showtime logos on the borders. I then removed those logos by replacing everything with solid black and uploaded that video hoping that maybe then it would get by the YT police and be viewable in North America (it was not) and I thought I had left the video on private as it was pointless to have what was basically two of the exact same video up in a row at the same time and as the other one with the borders already had views and comments etc. I decided I would just leave that one viewable, however I did not realize that the second video was actually set to public too. I just noticed now and so I have deleted the original video with the borders and just left this one up instead. I really dislike Showtime’s commentary crew during this era, ESPECIALLY Pacheco, hence the commentary switcheroo
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