Brazilian Army Jungle Warfare Training Center (CIGS)

The Brazilian Military created the CIGS in 1964 after considering they lacked in having an operational unit capable of utilizing Brazil’s thick Amazon jungle to their benefit. Since then jungle warfare training conducted by CIGS is widely considered to be the best in the world! Brazilian Army Jungle Warfare Training Center (CIGS) has trained 5,766 jungle warriors since 1966. CIGS trains jungle warriors for irregular combat, rather than defending a fixed point, as most conventional Military units would do. For instance, trainees are taught to impede enemy Soldiers by using booby traps and launching furtive attacks. CIGS warriors learn how to use their knowledge of the jungle and technological tools, such as communications equipment, to prevail in jungle combat. For students, completing the program and earning the Seal of the Jaguar and the Jungle Warrior’s Saber is difficult. The course is intense and teaches service members how to obtain from the things they need from the jungle to survive and fight successfully.
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