35 min Bodyweight & Kettlebell HIIT | Kettlebell Workout

In this 35 min Bodyweight & Kettlebell HIIT | Kettlebell Workout we perform 6x bundles of 6x movements each : 3x with kettlebell and 3x using only bodyweight. Each movement will be performed for 30 seconds, followed by a 15-second rest, and a 30-second rest between each bundle. After every 3x bundles, there will be a complex set that lasts for 150 seconds, consisting of 2 exercises performed for 10 repetitions as many times as possible. These are the kettlebells that I am using: 20KG (displayed as RED on the screen) 16KG (displayed as YELLOW on the screen) 12KG (displayed as GREEN on the screen) The Gear that I am using: You can easily increase the intensity of this workout by using heavier kettlebells and/or by increasing the volume of the workout and doing this routine for 2 rounds in a row. Please make sure to do a proper warm-up before starting the workout: You can show your
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