How the far-right co-opts ’anti-war’ rhetoric to push imperialism

Ben Norton is joined by journalist Marlon Ettinger to discuss how the right wing has tried to infiltrate and co-opt the anti-war movement while supporting US imperialism, looking at Tucker Carlson, Donald Trump, and Tulsi Gabbard. We analyze the same phenomenon in France, where far-right politicians Marine Le Pen and Éric Zemmour superficially criticize war while advocating to strengthen French imperialism. And we explain the deceptive tactics of the fascist cult of Lyndon LaRouche. Also see our past episode “Exposing the neocon ’right-wing populism’ scam, from Trump to Tucker Carlson“: Marlon’s blog: Follow Marlon on Twitter: Marlon’s book “Zemmour & Gaullism“: || Multipolarista || Please support Multipolarista at
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