Rivers Don’t Go On Top - Modular Lakes, Rivers, and Coastlines!

EPIC MINIATURES PATREON: EPIC MINIATURES MYMINIFACTORY: Water tiles and terrain are one of the most highly used types because water appears in almost any environment, whether its as rivers, lakes, ponds or coasts! My problem is, the versions that already exist, that you can buy or make, don’t really give the kind of modular flexibility or realistic look I want from my tiles 😕 So, I designed my own! These tiles not only place under the terrain, rather than defying physics on top as most river terrain seems to… They also can be used as any kind of water, at any width. You can have a narrow or wide river, that can also be your coastline or lakes, saving you making more terrain to show those locations 😁 Not only that, I wanted the tiles to blend seamlessly with tiles from any environment, so unlike a lot of existing water terrain, these can be used seamlessly in grassland, cities, mountains, caves, forests, villages or even volcanic regions! This kind
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