Who Said We Can’t Make British Pictures? (1926)

Exeter, Devon. Title: “Who said we can’t make British Pictures? Joyous Students, in Annual ’Rag’, tackle subject of the day, to show British Producers ... ’just how’.“ Students pretend to make a feature film as part of rag parade. M/S of steps to the entrance of university building where group of students act out scene of Hollywood movie set; two men operate cameras while a man dressed as a villain attacks and carries off a girl reading a map, another man with a large cap and big cigar walks on set (presumably the ’director’). M/S of a street; the ’cameramen’ are filming a couple dancing and two men duelling with swords, a woman runs on set screaming. C/U of the two cameramen at work (cameras look real but could be fake props). A man in britches shouts through a megaphone, in the background is a crowd of amused onlookers. M/S of the movie set; the dancers have gone but the sword fight continues, a comedy criminal holds a woman hostage with fake gun. One of the dualists stabs the other
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