61 - Jai Ganesha Pahimam | Radio Sai Bhajans

Lyrics: Jai Ganesha Pahimam Sri Ganesha Rakshamam Jai Ganesh Jai Ganesh Jai Ganesha Rakshamam Lambodhara Gowri Sutha Jai Ganesha Pahimam Mangala Kara Sankata Hara Jai Ganesha Rakshamam Jai Ganesh Jai Ganesh Jai Ganesha Rakshamam Meaning: Save me Lord Ganesh, the one with a big belly and the son of mother Gowri. Protect me O Lord Ganesh, for you destroy the plighted condition of your devotees and confer prosperity and auspiciousness.
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