Operation Barney - Submarines Sent for Pearl Harbor Revenge

Early in World War II, Japanese forces sank the USS Wahoo submarine with 79 men on board. Vice Admiral Charles Lockwood, the Pacific Fleet Submarine Force commander, demanded retaliation. However, the Wahoo had been sunk in the Sea of Japan, and the US Navy was not quite ready to venture back into the heavily-mined Pacific waters controlled by the Japanese. The Navy’s submarines needed better equipment and tools for coordination. It would take two-years of research and development before a plan was hatched. A fleet of US submarines using an experimental and highly effective sonar system would penetrate the minefield and venture into the Sea of Japan to wreak havoc among their merchant vessels. If successful, the submarines could accelerate Japan’s surrender before more American lives were lost. Operation Barney was launched in May of 1945, when a wolfpack of nine submarines was set loose on a hunt for revenge behind enemy lines... --- Dark Docs brings you cinematic s
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