Jordan Maxwell Talks About Sumerians | De-Occultist

Esoteric Truth Seeker De-occultist Jordan Maxwell Interviewed On The Ochelli Effect About Ancient Sumerians. Secret Societies And The Occult. Royal Families, David Icke, Reptilians, Hissing, Spirituality, Spiritual Teachers, Jesuit Order, Ley Lines, Vibration, Frequency. Astro-theology, Esoteric Astrology, Mark Passio Extraterrestrials, Demons, Angels, Devils, El, Elohim, Archons, Anunnaki, Ancient Spirits, Atlantis, High Priest, Black Pope, Priesthood, Vatican. Jordan Maxwell Sheds Light / Truth On The World. Occult, Secret Societies, Manly Hall, Astrotheology, Mind Control, Elite, Maritime Admiralty Law, Elected, Control System, El, Elohim, Allodial Title, Maritime Admiralty Law, Esoteric Solomon. As Above So Below, Human Origins, Natural Law, Occultism, 4D, 5D, Brain vs Mind, Lucifer And Venus, Esoterica, De-Occulting Second Amendment, Ancient Symbols, Gnosticism, Astrotheology, Mount Sinai. Appeal To Heaven, Luciferian, Who’s Sun God’s Sun, Pinecone Pineal, 3rd Eye, Freemasons, Human Sacrifice, T
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