HALLOWEEN SONG was originally presented as a digital download ONLY track released October 31st, 2021 to coincide with the Halloween season. MASSACRE plans to occasionally release a new song to coincide with certain holidays from this point forwards, and those releases will more than likely appear here on Bandcamp first before eventually being released later on a physical format. A format (CD/Vinyl) which we keep to a very small limited run in order to create unique collector’s items for those hard-core fans that are dedicated and supportive of the band. HALLOWEEN SONG October 31st - All Hallows Eve The ever twilight - into the darker half Samhain - Harvest of the dead The time has come once more Syncretized HALLOWEEN Bonfires burning - Guising Galoshans Adorned in false-face - time for Trick or Treating - AGAIN! TRICK OR TREAT - HALLOWEEN TRICK OR TREATING! HALLOWEEN - TRICK OR TREAT - HALLOWEEN! Jack O Lanterns glowing - illumi
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