Drei Mann in einem Boot (1961) Deutsch

Director: Helmut Weiss Writers: Wolf Neumeister (screenplay), Jerome K. Jerome (novel) Stars: Walter Giller, Heinz Erhardt, Hans-Joachim Kulenkampff The advertisement salesmen Harry Berg und Jerome, named “Jo“, Sommer are on holiday at the Bodensee alone. Jo is trying to catch the young girl Grit and Harry wants to get rid of his intrusive girlfriend Julitschka. When she suddenly appears, Harry and Jo are trying to buy a boat to drive away. They also find a dog and call him “Sputnik“. Also the art salesman Georg Nolte is trying to have holiday but his wife Carlotta and his daughter Grit are not allowing him it. In a bar he’s listining to Harrys and Jo’s talk about the boat and asks them to join them, he offers himself as a cook. Both agree and the three of them are calling the trip “Three Men on a boat, not to forget about the dog“, in reference to a well-known book. They also call the boat “Marianne“. When the wives discover the missing of their husbands they are trying to follow them. Julitschka even is hi
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