Hello, here is a live capture of all sorts of video footage I found. I couldn’t use all the clips as not all were of good quality or often only a few seconds long. Unfortunately, not everything is always cut well in the video, I apologize for that. I’m not a pro and just wanted to share my version with you guys. Corey was in poor health that night, but persevered and some of the songs gained a certain charm from it. Nevertheless, I hope that you will keep the concert in good memory and have fun with the video.
Feel free to watch more videos on my channel, give a like and check out my band “No
... Budget“.
Thanks to everyone who provided their clips, I hope it’s okay that I used them.
Prelude 3.0 00:00
The Blister Exists 02:46
The Dying Song (Time to Sing) 07:55
Liberate 10:45
Yen 14:20
Psychosocial 19:08
The Devil in I 23:40
The Heretic Anthem 29:15
Eyeless 34:30
Wait and Bleed 42:06
Unsainted 44:45
Snuff 50:50
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