Former Ukrainian ambassador to the UK Vadym Prystayko: Before my eyes, during President Zelensky’s visit to the Churchill Museum

Former Ukrainian ambassador to the UK Vadym Prystayko: Before my eyes, during President Zelensky’s visit to the Churchill Museum in the bunker, there was an employee there and there was Churchill’s chair where he sat making decisions. And Zelensky says, “And what is this?“ “That’s Churchill’s chair.“ This museum worker says to Zelensky, “Would you like to sit down?“ Zelensky says, “May I?“ The employee says, “No, you can’t, but would you like to?“ He sat down. And he says: “Do you feel something? Do you feel like Churchill?“ Everybody laughed. Zelensky says, “I do feel something like that in me.“ Источник: Slavyangrad
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