(CFF03) Nicole Kidman arrives in Cannes to promote ’Dogville’

(19 May 2003) SHOTLIST Festival TV, Cannes, 19th May 2003 pre press conference 1. Pan press to Nicole Kidman 2. Pull Nicole Kidman to 2 shot with Lars Von Triers 3. MS photocall 4. WS photocall 5. MS Kidman and Von Triers 6. Cu Kidman solo 7. Reverse Kidman Les films du Losange 8. Clip ’Dogville’ APTN, Cannes, 19th May 2003 9. SOT NICOLE KIDMAN (English) on why she did film: “It was either going to work or it wasn’t going to work. It was like me saying okay I’m going to take this journey with you because I admire you and I believe in your belief. And Lars had a very string belief in the film working as a whole. Without sets, without props. When I was, there was a chalk dog on the floor, a sketch of the dog and I saw that and went okay. And then we did some rehearsals where I pretended to pat the dog and then off we go.“ 10. C/a WS 11. SOT NICOLE KIDMAN (English) on how she got on with Von Triers: “I
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