【MultiSub】盛勢AdvanceBravely【見面會 花絮分析】【Analysis BTS】【龔俊 】【Gong Jun】【張哲瀚】

This video is the continuation of last week and the week before this video we will continue to analyze the interview and BTS . Sorry for didn’t upload the other BL video last few days.I had edited the video due to Thai language so I need to insert the of subtitles so I will upload it on Wednesday who are interested do check it out. 這個視頻是上周和前一周視頻的延續。在這個視頻中我們將繼續分析採訪和花絮。 很抱歉這幾天沒有上傳其他的BL視頻。我已經編輯了視頻,由於泰語,所以我需要輸入字幕。很多字
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