The Heartists - Episode 3: Ego

The Heartists - Episode 3: Ego As the old saying goes, you can’t make an omelette without breaking a few eggs. When you’re the chef, working on your creation, it’s no big deal. You do what you have to do and move on. But once in awhile, the work turns on us, and WE are the eggs. WE are the problem and the only way to solve it - no matter how painful - is to take each other by the hand and face it head on. So what do you do when the artwork is all wrong? You put your egos aside, trust in your partner’s love, and break the damn eggs. March 4 - Episode 1 March 11 - Episode 2 March 18 - Episode 3 March 25 - Episode 4 April 1 - Episode 5 DEVIR STUDIO Production In association with @ and @wacomwcl Created by Maya and Yehuda Devir With Nir Shenhav Just a reminder that it’s not too late to take advanta
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