If the kidney energy is insufficient, you will have weak knees, lowe back pain, tinnitus, edema, gra

If the kidney energy is insufficient, you will have weak knees, lowe back pain, tinnitus, edema, gray hair, osteoporosis and so on. Press Taixi point to replenish kidney energy. Exhale, press. Inhale, release. 5 minutes between 5-7 pm. The kidney energy flows out from the Yongquan point on the soles of the feet. It is just a spring water. When it passes through the Taixi point, the spring water becomes larger and becomes a stream. Therefore, stimulating the Taixi point can increase the energy of the kidneys. The kidneys are a system that connects the hair, ears, lower back, reproductive organs, anus, urethra, knees, heels, and soles of the feet. When the kidneys are low in energy, these organs become sick without the energy to nourish them. The human body is a large system, which is composed of five systems, the kidney system, the liver system, the spleen system, the heart system, and the lung system. If you want to live a healthy and long life, the core is to maintain the
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