Pierce Documentry - One Of The Most Controversial Men To Have Ever Lived
A look into the life of one Dr. William Pierce. Dr. Pierce was an ex-physics professor and was also a writer. One of his books was entitled “The Turner Diaries“ to which may of Pierce, who died on July 23, 2002, gained renown in far-right circles throughout the world as the author of The Turner Diaries. A fictionalized account of an apocalyptic Aryan revolution in the United States, the book was the inspiration behind one of the worst terrorist acts committed in the United States - the 1995 bombing of the federal building in Oklahoma City that killed 168 people. As founder of the National Alliance, the largest and most active neo-Nazi organization in the United States, Pierce used several media - weekly radio addresses, the Internet and most recently white power music ventures and racist video games - to promote his vision of a whites-only homeland and a government free of “non-Aryan influence.“ Since Pierce’s death, his followers have vowed to carry on his work.
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SHOCKING DOCUMENTARY - False spirits invade the church - KUNDALINI WARNING - Andrew Strom