In honor of a week since the finale, I’ve decided to tribute the evolution of our favorite bisexual tol bean: Ed Nygma. I know it may seem like I choose Oswald over Ed a lot (which I guess I would if it really came down to one or the other…) I still love Edward Nygma and all his extraness to death. His evolution over 3 seasons has been incredible. I will say he was just a tad bit annoying during his “I have to kill Oswald again” phase at the end of 3B, but everything else I’ve really enjoyed. I’m sorry if the beginning isn’t as good as the end, I’m not as well versed with Ed in season 1 as I am with him in seaons 2 and 3…But tbh, watching him grow from season 1-3 is amazing. Like he’s a completely different person it’s insane!
And I know some Ed fans are going to bitch and moan “why did you focus so little on Kristin and Isabella’s relationships with Ed? You’re just biased towards Oswald and Nygmobblepot!” AS TRUE AS THAT MAY BE, I believe their relationships with him didn’t really add to his evolution, didn’t really CAUSE much. Kristin, yes, KILLING her affected him, but not as much actually being with her. I also truly believe Isabella had nothing to do with Ed’s evolution. It wasn’t because she was killed he transformed into the Riddler, it was because Oswald BETRAYED him. I tried to focus on what CHANGED him. Betrayals from friends (Oswald and Jim), the act of killing, Oswald’s guidance, and killing who he loves.
Hope I did Gotham and our boy justice!
Cory Michael Smith is hot.
Inspired by:
Coloring: autumnfantasy
Clips: Gotham
Song: The Way by Hans Zimmer